Past Event
Monday, June 1 2015
10:30 pm–12:30 am

You Can Tell a Book by its Cover

Monday, June 1 2015
10:30 pm–12:30 am
You Can Tell a Book by its Cover
How often do you buy a book because of its cover? Paul Rand, who designed book jackets throughout his career, created covers that fused art and design to compelling evoke a book’s content. Join a distinguished panel of speakers as they trace the history and influence of Paul Rand and his contemporaries on practices and trends found in book cover design today. They will discuss why the marketplace for books, whether in bricks-and-mortar stores or online, compelled publishers to consider the cover as the ultimate marketing tool. This program accompanies the City Museum’s exhibition Everything Is Design: The Work of Paul Rand, on view from February 25 through July 19, 2015.
Donald Albrecht (moderator), Museum’s Curator of Architecture and Design and Curator of Everything Is Design: The Work of Paul Rand
Michael Carabetta, Chronicle Books Creative Director
Peter Mendelsund, Associate Art Director at Alfred A. Knopf Books
Gabriele Wilson, Designer & Founder Gabriele Wilson Design