Past Event
Thursday, May 17 2018
8:00–11:00 pm

Wanted Career Day

Thursday, May 17 2018
8:00–11:00 pm
Wanted Career Day
As NYCxDESIGN 2018 welcomes thousands of professionals to the city, AIGA NY has partnered with WantedDesign, Core77 and its jobs platform Coroflot to host “Wanted Career Day” at WantedDesign Brooklyn on Thursday, May 17th from 4:00 to 7:00PM
Are you an emerging designer? The Wanted Career Day is speed networking meets the design industry job fair, not another portfolio review. Come by and introduce yourself. Meet reps from New York’s top creative organizations, companies, agencies and non-profits and learn about the advantages of working at their company. Ask what a typical day is like for their designers, find out about all the office perks and hear what their creative directors look for when they hire new talent. You will discover what is unique about each situation and why you might want to work for one or more of these companies.
Participating companies(more to come!):
Blue State Digital
GHD Partners
Judy Ross Textiles
The Creative Group
Wolf Ollins
Work & Co
Attendee FAQ’s
What time should I get there? The event is from 4-7pm, you can come any time between then
How many people will be attending? We have about 200 attendees which means lines are likely to be long, so we appreciate your patience!
What should I wear? No need for formal wear, just be yourself
Can I come if I’m not an emerging designer? You’re more than welcome to attend, but do know that the event is geared towards our student and emerging designer community.
What should I expect? The purpose of the event is to meet people that work in a variety different companies. You should expect a very brief conversation (please keep it to 5 minutes) on what it’s like to work for the company.
Should I bring my portfolio? No. The purpose is more for information gathering. You are more than welcome to follow up with the reps afterwards?
No portfolios??? What should I bring? Your business cards and printed resumes. Questions about the company your chatting with? What are their hiring procedures? When do they hire?
Are refreshments provided? No, but you’re welcome to bring water or soda