Past Event
Tuesday, January 20 2015
10:00 pm–12:00 am

What is UX?

Tuesday, January 20 2015
10:00 pm–12:00 am
What is UX?
We use multiple digital products on the web and on our phones everyday. Increasingly our devices and the applications that run of them help us, guide us and inform us. With that ubiquity comes certain demands. We as users expect and desire interfaces that are built on top of experiences that are fluid and engaging.
Now how can we as designers or members of a team take charge of delivering good experience to the user?
Join Noble Desktop for a free 2-hour seminar to get an introduction to the field of User Experience.
Here is some of what we will cover:
What is UX? What are the fields that benefit from it?
What are the roles that are taken on a UX professional within a team?
The User in UX – How to engage users during different stages within a project.
What are the similarities and differences in working with Web, mobile and tablet mediums.
What are the typical challenges faced by a UX professional?
How do prototypes and testing help with team communication and better UX?
Click here for more information