Past Event
Monday, June 26 2017
10:00 pm–12:30 am

Celebrate Pride Month

Monday, June 26 2017
10:00 pm–12:30 am
Celebrate Pride Month
Please join us as we celebrate Pride Month (and the 2nd anniversary of the legalization of same-sex marriage) with our LGBTQIA community members by hosting a mixer at the historical landmark The Stonewall Inn. The first 60 guests to arrive will receive a commemorative Pride button designed by D&I task force and AIGA/NY member George Garrastegui, Jr. At 7pm, author, illustrator, and educator Timothy Bellavia will offer a special toast in honor of Stonewall’s history. Pizza will be provided and the drinks are cash bar.
The Stonewall Inn is an international symbol of the fight for equality for LGBTQIA Americans. In 1999, the Stonewall Inn was the first property in the U.S. listed on the National Register of Historic Places for its association with LGBT civil rights. The events that began at the Stonewall Inn in June 1969 marked a monumental change for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans. Through much of American history LGBTQIA citizens suffered from bigotry and widespread discrimination, affecting employment, housing, social life, and almost all facets of everyday life.
This special event is the result of an ongoing collaboration between AIGA/NY and AIGA’s Diversity & Inclusion task force and the dedication in increasing diversity in design.