Past Event
Friday, April 19 2013
12:00–12:00 am


Friday, April 19 2013
12:00–12:00 am
A lifetime of achievement in design can take many forms. The 2013 recipients of the AIGA Medal, the highest honor of the design profession, represent the range of contributions designers make to clients, future generations and society at large—through inspiration, thoughtful critique, social impact and the education of future design leaders. Join us in New York City on April 19 for “Bright Lights,” where AIGA will recognize eight designers with this prestigious award: John Bielenberg, William Drenttel and Jessica Helfand, Jonathan Hoefler and Tobias Frere-Jones, Stefan Sagmeister, Lucille Tenazas, and Wolfgang Weingart.
Ticket and table options
Seating for “Bright Lights” is limited—get your tickets now!
This event would not be possible without the generosity of our supporters! See who else is attending and make your plans today!
About this event
“Bright Lights: The AIGA Awards Gala” is an annual celebration to honor the distinguished practitioners, educators and role models whose creativity, intelligence, perception and skill have inspired and shaped the entire design profession. Proceeds from the event benefit the AIGA Design Archives, Worldstudio AIGA Scholarships and the Legacy Fund to secure the future of AIGA, the professional association for design.
The evening kicks off at 6:30 p.m. with a cocktail reception. Mingle with old friends and meet new ones. At 7:30 p.m. the evening’s program begins, featuring the presentation of the AIGA Medal for lifetime achievement in design and the premiere of videos about each Medalist by award-winning filmmakers dress code. Then from 8:45 to 10:00 p.m., guests will have the chance to congratulate the newly minted AIGA Medalists and enjoy another round of cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, music and conversation.