Past Event
Tuesday, April 8 2014
12:00–12:00 am

Breakfast Club: Making Sense of Social Media

Tuesday, April 8 2014
12:00–12:00 am
Breakfast Club: Making Sense of Social Media
As the terrain of social media continues to grow, your clients need more than just a logo and a website. Social media can be an important element of larger strategies of marketing and design, and there’s a lot more to it than just Twitter.
Digital Creative Director Dave Brown will help make sense of it all. Learn the best uses for different social media platforms, how to establish a consistent tone, and how to maintain content. Get a few tips on developing the social media strategy for a project, as well as presenting it to a client. This brief introduction will prime you to give your next big project a bit more social media savvy.
Dave Brown lives at the intersection of digital and physical. He’s a creative thinker, marketer and mentor who believes in good design, thoughtful experiences and random acts of kindness. As Digital Creative Director at experiential marketing agency, MKG Dave helps brands make lasting connections with their audiences through innovative campaigns and interactive executions for top clients such as Delta Air Lines, Whole Foods, NBC Universal, IFC, Google, Chase, Dockers, Madison Square Garden and Social Media Week. Previously, Dave was Social Media Strategist at Etsy and co-organizer of a monthly social media networking group, CMmeetup. When Dave isn’t creating awesome digital and social strategies, he’s inspiring the creative community through his blog Holiday Matinee. There, he spreads positive vibes to the masses under the motto, “Love your work. Work your love.”