Past Event
April 20–26 2017

A call for Nominations

April 20–26 2017
A call for Nominations
It’s that time of year: AIGA/NY Board nominations. This year, we’re doing things a bit different, from a more comprehensive look at what it means to be a board member, to a more open and focused call for nominations. We are doing all of this in a hopes that YOU (yes, you) will be inspired to join the board.
This year we are hoping to continue our mission of diversity and inclusion. Not just for all genders, races or sexualities, but for all disciplines and industries intersecting with design. We understand the New York City design industry is one of the most diverse communities in the nation and we want to ensure that our members are being represented appropriately through their board. Are you a strategist? A thinker? A producer? An account manager? A curator or an artist? Do you have a passion for design and the design community? We want to hear from you! Your insights and passion make us who we are and enrich the programs we create for our members.
How to get involved/apply (details)
If you’ve felt like you want to do more for the design community (regardless if you’re a self-identified designer or not), now is the time to get involved! We’re looking for a few good design enthusiasts to join our board. We have immediate needs in our Civic, Membership, Development and Communications committees. If any of these committees sound like something you would be interested in, apply below. And, for those interested in learning more about the board and what it means to be a member, stay tuned to our channels for board spotlight series in the coming weeks.
Nomination Forms
Civic Committee / Citizen Designer Now!
Civic Committee / Diversity in Design
Membership Committee
Development Committee
Communications Committee
You do not need to be a member at the time of nomination, but will be required to join AIGA/NY at the Supporter level or above if elected to a board position.
Nominations must be submitted by April 26, 2017.
Thank you,
AIGA/NY Board of Directors