Past Event
Friday, April 20 2018
10:30 pm–2:00 am

2018 AIGA Awards Gala

Friday, April 20 2018
10:30 pm–2:00 am
2018 AIGA Awards Gala
The 2018 AIGA Awards Gala is happening on Friday, April 20 at the historic “Cipriani 25 Broadway” and AIGA NY has partnered with AIGA National once again for a profit share on tables and tickets. More importantly we want the NY community – that means YOU – there to help celebrate!
Please join the AIGA NY board members as we kick off the gala with cocktails starting at 6:30 p.m. followed by our awards ceremony, which honors this year’s recipient of the Corporate Leadership Award and the five new AIGA Medalists. ICYMI: the AIGA Medal is awarded in recognition of exceptional achievement, service or other social contributions to the field of design.
After the awards ceremony, the party continues! Dust off your cocktail attire and celebrate alongside the design community with dancing, desserts, a photo booth, and more.
Tables and tickets are available online through Friday, April 6. By making your purchase through the links below, your generosity directly benefits our New York chapter, providing necessary resources for our Inclusion in Design Initiative and general programming.
We would like to extend a special thanks to our current board member Alia Hassan for co-chairing this years Gala. Thank you to former board members David Heasty for designing the gala identity, and Forest Young and Renda Morton for being part of the medal selection committee.
Friend ticket: $350
Donor ticket: $1,500
Patron table: $7,500
Benefactor table: $10,000
Leadership table: $20,000
Your ticket purchase through the links below directly help support the New York chapter and AIGA national through profit sharing. Please be sure to click the “referred by AIGA/NY” box!