Past Event
Thursday, February 6 2014
12:00–12:00 am

Stefan Sagmeister On Site & Online Book Signing Event

Thursday, February 6 2014
12:00–12:00 am
Stefan Sagmeister On Site & Online Book Signing Event
AIGA/NY has partnered with Stefan Sagmeister and Designers & Books to bring you a unique book signing event!
On Thursday, February 6 you are invited to an on-site and online book signing of Stefan Sagmeister’s book Things I’ve learned in My Life So Far: Updated Edition.
This special event will give you the opportunity to meet Stefan in two ways:
* Those in New York City will have the opportunity to buy a copy of the book, meet Stefan in his Chelsea studio and have your book personally inscribed.
* Sagmeister’s U.S. and international fans not living in New York will have the opportunity to buy a book online, indicate what name you’d like inscribed and receive not only the signed book, but a photo of Sagmeister signing your copy!
On February 6, the evening’s events will kick off with a group of specially chosen AIGA/NY-member students in conversation with Sagmeister in his studio. This Q&A will be live tweeted via @designersbooks and @aigany.
Here’s the February 6 schedule: (all times Eastern Standard Time)
- 6:00 pm to 6:30 pm: Student-driven Q&A followed via Twitter
- 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm: In-studio and live Online book signing
The Sagmeister & Walsh design studio has an overhead webcam that provides the homepage image for its website. All the events of the evening will be viewable via that webcam.
The student interviewers—-chosen from among AIGA/NY members attending the School of Visual Arts, Parsons School of Design, Pratt Institute, and Cooper Union—will talk with Sagmeister about the updated edition of Things I have learned in my life so far, his design practice, and life in his New York City studio.
After the Q&A members of the public will be invited to join Sagmeister for the in-studio and online book signing.
Discounted copies of Things I’ve Learned in My Life So Far: Updated Edition are available for sale now for $49 (sales tax included in price)! Do not miss your chance to be part of something extraordinary!
Anyone purchasing a book will receive one of two free temporary tattoos–courtesy of Tattly–based on the Sagmeister maxims: “Don’t Expect People to Change” and “Self Confidence Produces Fine Results.”
If you are in NYC and will attend the book signing, purchase your book here.
You must purchase a book through AIGA/NY to attend this book signing.